Over the last five years, I've made a name for myself in tech by creating products that reflect the same priorities of Gen Z. I started working in the consumer space in college in New York City, where I co-founded Outro, an app for womxn to find safe and inclusive bars and clubs all around the world. Outro was nominated for 2018 Best Lifestyle App Webby award, I was named 22 Under 22 Most Inspirational College Women by HerCampus, and was the winner of 2019's NYU Entrepreneurship Fair.
After college, I began working at Replay, a dating app for Gen Z. I ran product and lead creative strategy, ultimately overseeing the product development and ensuring each sprint was meticulously followed by the design team and development team. At Replay, I was considered the in-house Gen Z expert. I researched trends on Gen Z, cultural phenomenons, and was constantly ahead of the curve for every trend. I made sure the product development didn't stop at the app itself and ensured that the entire system was experiential for the user.
When it comes to identifying the next big trend I’m already there. I know the future is in short form video content and a new wave of virtual connections that have never been as important as they are right now. Gen Z is absolutely everything and it’s critical brands and companies are building with their intentions in mind. I get it, I am them. I strive to make authenticity accessible across digital platforms to give users better, more engaging experiences online. As a tech advocate for women, I strive to make online spaces safer through this authenticity that is currently under-prioritized.
When I’m not working on creative strategy, offering consulting for early startups, or working on branding with clients targeting Gen Z, I’m probably on an overly-ambitious run or leading my friends in a yoga class. I believe that positivity is everything. I’m in a good mood 365 days out of the year. It’s the secret sauce to any of my successes. I do whatever it takes to ensure my positive energy is radiated to the people I’m around, the clients I’m working with, and the friends I’m making. Oh, and I love hot sauce.